One Day At A Time...

All for His Glory...

Sunday, March 27, 2005

I am amazed to know that a God so great could love me so...

The last few days have been a non stop whirlwind but I praise God because I know that He has given me the strength to endure and persevere.

I am so thankful that I live close to home - to my parents, that is... especially at times like this when mom is sickly... she seems to finally be getting some rest. We were a little concerned that we might have to take her back to the hospital to be admitted but she made it through the night with a little more rest than the night before.

I realized that it is pure torture to have difficulty breathing - being deaf, having a root canal, or even being numb in the face, is nothing compared to not being able to breathe... I pray that mom will get better quickly so that she doesn't have to suffer like this...

but in the midst of this craziness - i'm thankful that I can be near my parents to help out and to just keep them company...

must give a huge thanks to JA - he is totally supportive and helpful - not one complaint - of course he says it's because he's fed - so he can do anything... =) but honestly I'm so thankful that he is completely supportive. I am blessed.

as for NHF PT - i'm sorry for not being there but I'm so thankful for your prayers - it really helped mom - she thought that maybe because of your prayers that she was starting to feel better...=)

I learned another thing - it is better to be together and not alone. God definitely made us for relationship... relationship with Him. So it's appropriate I guess that on this Easter Sunday we celebrate because we have eternal life in Him, but also because we have an eternal relationship with Him. So I confess that I stink at keeping up relationships... but once again - I will try harder to be a better friend, sister and daughter...

it's all about taking the focus off of me and onto Christ. Sometimes I wonder why that's so hard... i guess Satan is always at work and that's probably one of his easiest strategies = make selfish human beings think of themselves all the time...

selfishness and pride... GO AWAY!! (in the name of JC)
Help me to be selfless and humble...

Hallelujah! He is risen!



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