One Day At A Time...

All for His Glory...

Monday, June 07, 2004

hello hello - *cough*

I'm sick - and beh! is all I have to say. I hate being sick and teaching at the same time. All the kids are saying "Maybe you should go home" and all I'm thinking is "yeah - why did I come in today?" But since I don't have a lot of time left and they still have work to complete - I went in.

I hate this kind of sick - congested - snot filled - yet you can't see the snot until you cough it all up = ( It's just gross anyway you say it... it's disgusting.

The "spiderman" of the day - she was writing an essay about how boys should "take it slow" - anyway - that's another story. But she was explaining that some girls have a "low self of steam" I totally giggled - I couldn't help myself. That was a littel cute... so she was a little upset that I was laughing at her paper - but once I explained myself and showed her the correct spelling of esteem - she laughed too. =)

ps - she knows I'm leaving - she heard me talking to a colleague and she knows... now let's see how long she can keep a secret.

JA - is out playing BBall and so I'm left at home to get some work done and watch whatever I want on tv - hee hee... Then I'll have ice cream laster while he eats dinner. =)

JA and I have changed our anniversary plans - originally we were going to go to Las vegas - but then we changed it to San Fran to see Justin - but it's too expensive - so we're going to head up to Montreal instead - ROADTRIP! What makes it even more cool - is that there is a huge Jazz festival in Montreal - so hopefully we'll be able to experience some of it. =)

anyway - that's about it for now. ttyl



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