One Day At A Time...

All for His Glory...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I had an idea about what to write today - but I just lost it... duh....
oh well... this weekend was a blessing indeed - NHF had an informal praise night after an incredibly long week. It was so good to be worshipping Jesus and coming back to Him after staring at things of the world all week.

I realized that it's so easy to become impressed by the things of this world - technology is amazing... iPods, video ipods, mac computers, iMovie, etc... all of that is just so cool and it's even more cool knowing that children are in school learning how to use these things and learning them to learn so many cool things.

I hope that one day when I have children that they will love to learn but I also hope that they won't become jaded by too many flashy things... I know that I'll be a crazy parent one day because I'll want to know everything about what they're learning but at the same time I just need to remember that they're learning is balanced - that learn about things, from experiences and that they always know that there's more to learn.


some things that make me happy (in no particular order):
1. eating chocolate chip pancakes with ja
2. worshipping Jesus with nhf pt
3. seeing friends with their adorable children
4. watching children during praise
5. a great spa treatment at Tranquility
6. a good cup of coffee
7. clean pajama pants that are still warm from the dryer
8. a good puzzle - sudoku
9. coupons
10. nice people

anyway - hope everyone out there is having a good night and relaxing before this work week begins. =)



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