One Day At A Time...

All for His Glory...

Thursday, November 06, 2003

well, I'm so glad that I have internet access at work now b/c I can blog during my day - when I'm free - if ever... anyway...

well, my b-day is coming up this saturday and the kids are soooo bad at being slick. They are totally in my face about who my favorite authors are.... all the time - "Who is your favorite author?" Ahhhh - the sad part is that for an LA teacher - I don't have ONE favorite author - so today I wrote a bunch of authors on an index card and we'll see what they do with it...

also - Spider man comes up to me - "What's your favorite flower?" so i guess i can expect some roses tomorrow.... iot just makes me smile - if they want to make my birthday so special - can't they just behave themselves everyday =) but I geuss that's asking just a little too much.... =P

what else? well - headed over to MIL's house tomorrow for some pre-b-day dinner - then saturday - i'm headed to camp capio to coo over babies and then to a spa - what could make it a better day? singing praises int he early evening before a yummy dinner.... my Saturday should be awesome. =) Hopefully it's relaxing and fun - all i really want to do is enjoy being with my friends, and family.... cheesy - eh?

well, i'm trying to get myslef all se tup for monday so that I won't be stressed to come back to work.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

so much for computer working 100% - i wrote a HUGE blog on sunday and then the computer froze - so I lost it - I don't know how to retrieve it =( blah.

anyway - here's what I will say - SPIDER MAN is now YODA - please make sure I tell you about it in person.... she's too much - really funny. =)

another thought... we're at wednesday and it's only a few more days until I'm 25... how strange.... as a kid, I remember freaming about when I'd be 24 - I"d get married at 24 - I'd be teaching.... etc... but now 24 is soon over and I"ll be 25 - somehow I don't feel so young anymore... i know - some of you out there are saying "shut up" but that's how I feel - not so young anymore...

this weekend should be fun and relaxing.... spa... dinners.... yummy - my weekend to gain weight, laugh and be blessed by my friends and family.

one thing I hate is crying one day and waking up the next morning with puffy eyes and a headache - I hope it goes away before first period....

hopefully everyone else is having a blessed day....
