One Day At A Time...

All for His Glory...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Day one is over and I have survived!

The kids are cute - a little strange - many of them are double jointed and I forgot how boys at this age like to be gross and not cool! It's pretty funny but the day went well. I never realized how crazy lockers could be for kids... they were sweating as they were trying to open them. =) kinda has to make you smile... but no tears in this class. =) Thank God. There were a few kids with tears in the other classes. We went on the tour and few were paying attention but so what - they're little and they'll get lost.

I love how the kids aren't mean - they're silly but not mean. NO ONE has a chip on his/her shouldre - they're funny and sweet. Some are shy - but I don't think I have one angry kid. I have some nervous kids - but that is manageable.

Well - off and getting ready for Day 2... a shorter day - but now I get to meet all of my classes - ELA and SS.... yikes!
