One Day At A Time...

All for His Glory...

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Hee hee
I'm on vacation and so is JA - we're so happy and so free... we're been watching movies, eating out (cheaply) - cleaning and just plain ol' vegging... =)

just some things to mention...
I love my colleagues and I will miss them terribly- but something funny happened on mon - our last day together at work..

they bought me a cake - ice cream cake of course...and they asked the guy at Gristedes to write "We'll miss you" on it...

When I saw it - it said "W'll mis you" - TOTALLY TRUE and hilarious! of course my friends were furious at the guy - but I thought it was so appropriate. Another teacher even speculated that the guys was a probably graduate of our school - I know - it's so sad - but you just have to laugh... =)

just another thought - isn't is funny that in order to clean - you have to make a mess that just like out hearts... in order to clean it up - we need to take out all the mess and give it to God before we are truly clean again. =) It's frustrating - but in the end we all feel better when things are clean... =)

maybe I should make more of a mess in my heart in order to have the Holy Spirit clean me again - then i'll feel refreshed. =)

well - just a few thoughts for today...

i think i'm gonna eat some ramen. yummy
